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Cleaning the Air: Unveiling the Causes of Lahore Fog and Smog, and Charting a Sustainable Path Forward for a Healthier City.
Nauman Hanif
Jan 25 2024 07:37 AM

Lahore Smog and Fog: What is it, Its Causes, and How to Overcome It


Lahore, the second-biggest city in Pakistan, is quite possibly of the most polluted city in the world. The city encounters a thick cover of mist and brown haze each colder time of year, which devastatingly affects general wellbeing and the climate.


This article will look at the causes and effects of Lahore fog and smog and examine the actions that the government and different partners can initiate to resolve this issue.


What is fog and smog?


Haze is a noticeable spray comprising of minuscule water beads suspended in the air at the outer layer of the Earth. It is shaped when the air temperature is near the dew point, which is the temperature at which water fume in the air consolidates into fluid water.


Smog is a kind of air pollution that is portrayed by a thick combination of haze and smoke. It is shaped when daylight responds with toxins in the air, like nitrogen oxides and unpredictable natural mixtures (VOCs).


Causes of Lahore fog and smog



There are various causes that add to Lahore fog and smog, including:


Geological area:

 Lahore is situated in a bowl-molded valley, which traps poisons in the air.


Lahore has a cool, sticky winter environment, which is great for mist development.

Air pollution:

 Lahore has elevated degrees of air contamination from different sources, including vehicle emanations, modern outflows, and the consuming of yield stubble.


Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the climate. These unsafe materials are called pollutants. Pollutants can be either unfamiliar substances/energies or normally happening impurities. Pollution can happen in any piece of the climate, including the air, water, and land.


There are different types of pollution, including:

  • Air pollution
  • Land pollution
  • Water pollution


1. Air pollution:

 Air pollution is the release of unsafe substances very high. Air  pollution can incorporate particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur


Effects of Lahore fog and smog on health


Lahore fog and smog can adversely affect human health, including:


Respiratory issues: 

Openness to air contamination can cause various respiratory issues, like asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

Coronary illness: 

Air contamination can build the gamble of coronary illness and stroke.


Air contamination can expand the gamble of malignant growth, like cellular breakdown in the lungs and bladder disease.

Unexpected passing:

 Air pollution is a main source of unexpected passing.

Monetary and ecological effects of Lahore fog and smog;


Lahore fog and smog also have various negative monetary and ecological effects. The thick fog and smog can reduce visibility, which can prompt car crashes and flight delays. It can likewise harm crops and diminish the travel industry.


Actions to address Lahore fog and smog


There are various actions that the public government and different partners can initiate to resolve the issue of Lahore haze and exhaust cloud, including:


Lessen air contamination:

 The public authority can decrease air contamination by carrying out stricter discharges principles for vehicles and enterprises, advancing the utilization of public transportation and electric vehicles, and restricting the copying of yield stubble.

Further, develop air quality checking:

 The public authority can further develop air quality observing by introducing more air quality checking stations and making the information from these stations freely accessible.

Instruct people in general about the risks of air contamination:

 The public authority can teach general society about the risks of air contamination and the means they can take to safeguard themselves, like wearing veils and keeping away from open air exercises when air quality levels are low.

Notwithstanding the above activities, the public authority can likewise put resources into innovative work to track down better approaches to decrease air contamination, for example, growing more productive air contamination control advancements.




Lahore fog and smog is a difficult issue that devastatingly affects general wellbeing, the climate, and the economy. The public authority and different partners need to make a dire move to resolve this issue. By lessening air contamination, further developing air quality checking, and teaching the general population about the risks of air contamination, we can make Lahore a cleaner and better city for everybody.


Case study: The Lahore smog crisis of 2019



In November and December 2019, Lahore experienced one of its most terrible smog crises in history. The air quality file (AQI) took off to north of 900, which is viewed as risky. The brown haze led to inescapable respiratory issues and other medical conditions, and prompted the conclusion of schools and organizations.


The Lahore smog crisis of 2019 featured the requirement for pressing activity to resolve the issue of air contamination in Lahore. The Government answered the emergency by executing various measures, including:


  • A ban on the consuming of crop stubble
  • Stricter discharges guidelines for vehicles and enterprises
  • The advancement of public transportation and electric vehicles
  • An expansion in the quantity of air quality checking stations
  • A state funded instruction crusade about the risks of air pollution

These actions have assisted with further developing air quality in Lahore, however more should be finished to resolve the issue of air contamination in the long haul.




Notwithstanding the actions that have proactively been initiated, the public authority and different partners can find various alternate ways to resolve the issue of Lahore haze and exhaust cloud, including:


Put resources into sustainable power: The government ought to put resources into environmentally friendly power sources, for example, sun oriented and

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